Narzo 70 Turbo

Realme Narzo 70 Turbo India launch confirmed, will feature motorsport-inspired design | Tech Tips

Realme Narzo 70 Turbo India launch has been confirmed by the brand. While the exact date is yet to be revealed, the company says the phone will feature an eye-catching Motorsport-inspired design and will come equipped with a new Turbo Technology. The phone will join the existing Realme Narzo 70 line of models, including the popular Narzo 70 Pro.

Realme Narzo 70 Turbo launching in India soon

  • The Realme Narzo 70 Turbo is sleek at just 7.6mm in thickness.
  • The teaser image shared by the brand shows the ‘Yellow’ coloured strap on the back running through the middle. However, it is not clear if the final design will actually have this.
Narzo 70 TurboNarzo 70 Turbo
  • Realme appears to have finally let go of the circular camera module as the Narzo 70 Turbo houses a square-shaped design in the middle and this houses triple camera sensors.
  • The 3.5mm audio jack and speaker vents are at the top.
  • Realme says the new Turbo Technology ensures enhanced processing speeds and a smooth user experience as the phone is ‘crafted for gaming excellence. 
  • Since the brand has started talking about the phone, we should learn more details, including the exact date in the days to come. 

Realme Narzo 70 Turbo: what we know so far

In a recent exclusive, 91mobiles revealed the Narzo 70 Turbo colour and RAM/storage variants. The handset is said to come in purple, yellow, and green colours and would carry the model number RMX5003.

The Realme Narzo 70 Turbo 5G will be available in multiple configurations: 6GB + 128GB storage, 8GB + 128GB storage, 8GB + 256GB storage, and 12GB + 256GB storage. The Camera FV-5 listing showed the phone would feature a 12.6MP (50MP with pixel-binning) camera at the back with EIS and an f/1.9 aperture. On the front, the phone features a 4MP snapper with EIS and f/2.5 aperture. This could be marketed as either 8MP or 16MP.

Beyond this not much else is known about the phone at the moment. As said, this will join the Realme Narzo 70 5G, Narzo 70x 5G, and Narzo 70 Pro 5G. Going by what Realme said so far, the Turbo might sit a step above the Pro variant and should offer top-tier performance. Realme mentioned the phone is designed for gaming so there will be some dedicated gaming functions on board.

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